From idea to $730M vertical AI acquisition: EvolutionIQ's path to PMF
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Angel invest like the best

Get unparalleled access to First Round’s investing expertise and a community of exceptional angels for the best early-stage deal flow in tech.

Learn the

Everything you always wanted to know about angel investing but were
afraid to ask.

Our Approach

How we make promising angel investors even better


    Discover the secrets behind how we’ve learned to source, evaluate, and serve our companies, using real data and stories from First Round’s 20 years in the business.


    Learn tactical frameworks that dive into the nuts and bolts of angel investing, from positioning yourself to structuring working sessions with founders.


    No long lectures—participate in interactive sessions, small group discussions, and case studies based on real investments.

What we’ll cover

  • Assessing teams
  • Sizing markets
  • Evaluating products
  • Positioning and sourcing
  • Portfolio construction
  • Tax and estate planning

Better angels make a stronger early-stage ecosystem for all of us

We’ve seen the incredible impact that smart, focused angel investors can have on a company’s trajectory, but steep learning curves and long feedback loops make for slow progress. By sharing what we’ve learned over First Round’s 20 years of working with founders, we’re helping angels better source, evaluate, and serve early-stage companies. We turn to Angel Track alumni to fill out relevant rounds and they refer great founders to us, too. We love a good win-win.

All your Angel Track questions, answered